
There are many things to consider before allowing local government agencies to acquire and deploy surveillance technologies. Click on the icons to explore a number of recommendations to keep in mind while weighing the costs and benefits of surveillance systems, and while crafting official surveillance policies and protocols.
By articulating why your community needs a new surveillance system and its acceptable uses you maximize the return from...[LEARN MORE]
Advanced surveillance equipment often carries significant long-term costs, which should be evaluated and accounted for...[LEARN MORE]
Engaging the whole community in deciding whether to acquire advanced surveillance equipment helps prevent backlash and...[LEARN MORE]
Requiring agencies to get the approval of the local governing body before acquiring advanced surveillance equipment...[LEARN MORE]
Effective policies and rules for use of surveillance tools must be accompanied by comprehensive training.[LEARN MORE]
Limiting surveillance to specified purposes protects privacy and free expression, and most efficiently uses public...[LEARN MORE]
Storing surveillance data is expensive and creates risks. Strict limits should be placed on how long data is held.[LEARN MORE]
Data you cannot find is data you cannot control or keep secure.[LEARN MORE]
Restrictions and guidelines should be in place to ensure that surveillance data is shared in a manner that adequately...[LEARN MORE]
Routine audits of surveillance systems must be employed to ensure compliance and cost-effectiveness and to facilitate...[LEARN MORE]
Effective policies for use of surveillance tools must be accompanied by comprehensive mechanisms for identifying...[LEARN MORE]
Government agencies should be transparent about how they use surveillance technology and its effectiveness.[LEARN MORE]